Why Divorce Coaching

Why have a divorce coach?

Dealing with a divorce or separation can be a shattering experience for anybody. And it’s only natural to feel pain, anger and confusion. The issue is, these feelings can stay with you, which can then lead greater conflict with your ex-spouse, financial pressure and a negative impact on any children caught in the middle.

Most people will try and work things out for themselves, maybe talking through issues with friends and family. However, this is the one time in your life when you need the best possible support to make the best decisions for the future. That’s what a good divorce coach will do.

Indigenous NewZealand can help you:

  • Understand the options
  • Find a clear direction
  • Make an action plan
  • Deal with emotions
  • Minimise the impact on children
  • Find professionals best suited to your needs
  • Manage the paperwork required
  • Reduce your divorce professional costs
  • Learn techniques for dealing with stress
  • Resolve conflict constructively
  • Prepare for meetings with professionals and your ex-spouse

This is your journey.

Indigenous NewZealand is here to listen and guide you in the direction that you would like to take your life. Yes, we will question you. And at times we will challenge your thinking and your perception of the obstacles you face. At the conclusion you will know yourself better, know what is really important to you and have a plan to make your world a much better place.

Needless to say, this is done in a safe, private, confidential and non-judgemental environment.

This is one time when you need the best possible support